Well if you couldn’t figure it out by now, Claudio and I are happy to announce that we are expecting a baby in September! I am already so proud of this little guy/girl for being a harvest baby too. The due date is the 17th, right in the middle of grape-picking, the tourist boom and Claudio’s big house trade show but we couldn’t be happier. The date is actually really meaningful since Claudio’s family has always celebrated that as his second birthday. It was the day he miraculously survived his horrible motorcycle accident which makes it all seem like fate!
So now my baby bump is just starting to show, my constant nausea is starting to subside, and we are getting more and more excited for this new arrival. It has already been a fun and nerve-racking adventure trying to figure out what to do here in Italy and especially listening to all the funny (I mean serious) wives’ tales in Italy.
For now I am just trying to stay positive and keep truckin’ along! I would also like to send a big thanks out to Allegra from Livinginthelanghe.wordpress.com and Jess from Adventures In Italy for giving me such great support and advice during the “oh my god I am freaking out and don’t know what to do here” initial stage!
You had to announce this today of all days? Many congratulations 🙂
I know.. I just realized that was the date! Thanks!
Anna! Wonderful news! Soo happy for you and Claudio 🙂
Yeah.. I wish I could have told you in person but I couldn't hold it in any longer! Thanks Roxy!
Tanti Auguri dalla California!
Thanks Justin! I get so excited when I see all your pics you post of your kids because you really have fun with them:) Can you believe in September though! What timing!!!! Cin Cin
Congratulations, Anna! What in the world is in the water of the Langhe and Roero with all you ladies expecting this year? So I guess you'll be busy with your own harvest this year. No doubt it will be a fabulous vintage for all!
I know isn't that funny? Who else is expecting besides the lovely girl in our office? There must be something fertile about that Vajra wine too!:) I am crossing my fingers for an exceptional vintage!:) I felt so bad telling them at work I was going to be out of commission right during the harvest but they were soooo happy! 🙂 Thanks for your kind wishes!
Oh my gosh……..congratulations to you and Claudio…..what a beautiful location to raise a child…So happy for you both!!!
Thank you Carol! It will be very interesting raising a child here in Italy. Already seeing differences in pre-natal care:) This might make for a whole new blog! hope you are doing well and congrats on your son's engagement/marriage!
Of course they're happy!! Its a BAYBEEE 🙂 xx
Massive congratulations guys!! Bee's already excited about her new little playmate (and so is Otto)!
Yeah! Can't wait for our kids to be expat besties together:) Now we just need to get a dog for Otto!
Congrats!! What a lovely news! Wish you all the best!!!!!
Thanks Natasha! How are you doing?
You both will be such great parents. Congratulations!!
Thanks Robin! Coming back to Italy soon?
Wow. Congratulations. I will drink to that 🙂
Thanks! Yes Morten…do that for me!:)
Congratulations! Very exciting news!
Thanks Alex! So are you coming to Piemonte?
Tanti auguri!! I'm glad to hear the nausea is starting to subside. My second trimester was a lot easier than the first!
Let's hope so!!:)
That is great news. Congratulations to both of you. Parlo and I will open a bottle to celebrate.
Thanks! At least you can enjoy a good one for me 🙂 make it a Barolo please!!:)
What wonderful news and I'm so happy for you both, huge Congrats xx
Thanks Lisa! And we are renovating in Fossano too! HUGS!
Congratulations! We will definitely raise a glass of Barolo to you and your family!!!!
Please do!!! Hope you guys are doing well:) grazie…
So many thanks to everybody…!…I'm so glad to become a Dad…!
= )
you will be a wonderful papà !!